Reduced Spreadsheet Use by 75%, Saved One Hour of Daily Employee Time

Lighthouse Financial Corp. began using Salesforce as its primary CRM system in 2022, and found they needed post-implementation assistance and special project support. They enlisted rSTAR for help automating cumbersome processes that hampered their ability to efficiently close accounts. rSTAR provided managed services for Lighthouse with an emphasis on Salesforce post-implementation support, troubleshooting, and enhancement requests
In this case study, you will learn how Lighthouse:
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Reducing Spreadsheet Use Saved the Company Thousands of Dollars


  • Heavy reliance on spreadsheets - “We had a spreadsheet for everything!”
  • Time-consuming manual processes
  • New to the Salesforce platform; unsure where to begin


  • Automation of critical customer email saved employees one hour of time per day
  • Value worth of the time already saved comes to nearly $20,000 and 400+ hours, continuing even today
  • Reduced spreadsheet usage by 75%
  • Improved automation with the launch of Salesforce workflows
  • Improved Salesforce usage


  • Reduced call volume by 18% via self-service
  • Improved customer satisfaction ratings for support interactions by 10%
  • Eliminated hold times for outage reports & updates by 100%
  • Provided customers with a responsive self-service experience
  • Created an automated pipeline between customer needs on the utility’s website, other chatbot platforms, and the Oracle Service Platform

What the Customer Says

rSTAR’s Licensing and Permitting Solution Accelerator

Introducing rSTAR’s licensing and permitting solution accelerator, an easy way for state and local municipalities to streamline their entire licensing and permitting application process for both staff and constituents. Leveraging the power of the Oracle Cloud Platform, rSTAR’s licensing and permitting solution accelerator allows budget-minded municipalities to do more with less cost all while improving constituent satisfaction. rSTAR’s licensing and permitting solution accelerator, integrate seamlessly into your current ERP and CRM to provide a solution that is transparent and easy to use, giving municipal employees full control over the entire licensing and permitting process in one central location. Staff have the ability to track and manage permit applications, add new license types, configure permit details, and even set rates and renewal dates with one easy-to-use application. With a straightforward web and mobile interface, citizens can renew or purchase new licenses, track orders, and get answers to frequently asked questions anytime, anywhere, freeing up staff, improving efficiency and reducing errors, saving you time and money. Available in the Oracle Cloud Marketplace, see how rSTAR’s licensing and permitting solution accelerator empowers your staff and constituents. Contact rSTAR to get started today.